Today is the start of National Apprenticeship Week and we want to celebrate all the amazing work our apprentices do every day.
Each day this week, we will share their experience and what they’ve been up to. Monday is all about Matt, Film Apprentice at AO and his experience so far.
I’m a Film Apprentice. I work on projects such as creating our television adverts.
I really wanted to do something I loved doing, and that was videography, editing footage etc. My family have always been very supportive of my ambitions and it was actually a family friend who worked at AO who recommended I should apply for this position. I went straight online and filled out the application and here I am.
Well I started this apprenticeship when I was 15 and I’d not had a proper job until this. I get told by people that it’s quite different to ‘normal jobs’, we have a unique culture here. Not to mention the free chocolate!
I never considered going to university because I always wanted to do an apprenticeship. The school I went to were really supportive of apprenticeships and definitely helped me to realise my options.
I’m currently part of an innovation project, we’ve been making gaming videos for our AO YouTube channel which has been really fun! I even got to feature in some of the footage for the project a while back, I was proud to see myself associated with such a cool project.
I’d say getting an apprentice in the first place. I was only 15 when I joined AO and with no working experience it was quite intimidating coming into a fast paced environment such as this but it was also really exciting! I was quite stressed when I was applying for the apprenticeship because I was actually taking my GCSEs at the same time. I couldn’ attend my interview because I had an exam and they were really understanding at AO.
I’ve always wanted to work with film. I remember when I was about 12, getting my first touch screen phone and it changed my life! I started experimenting with stop motion photography when I was very young and that developed onto filming, editing footage and developing special effects. It’s always been a passion of mine and I’m so lucky to work doing what I love.
I want to stay at AO and develop my skills as much as I can, I’ve already learned so much and I’m only 16, it’s a very exciting time for me. Maybe one day I will put myself in the running to be a team leader, and potentially work my way up the career ladder.
Before I got to AO, I was using editing software that was not cutting edge. I have learned to use Adobe to edit and create special effects and its just so impressive what you can do. We use the best software out there! I’ve also learned how television adverts are created, I now appreciate all the hard work that goes into just seconds of footage!